Betsy Ross House (Philadelphia)


Betsy02This quick self-guided tour of our nations first flag maker was interesting for a couple of reasons. I loved exploring the original home, it's architecture and imagining was life was like for those who lived in it. With steep staircases and low ceilings it's certainly a far cry from the homes we live in today.

It was also fun to learn more about the life of Betsy, apparently she was widow who made money as an upholsterer when General George Washington visited her shop to have her make a flag. When you head up to Betsy's workroom, you will get to meet "her" and ask questions.

DSC_0329After our tour I heard some grumpy old man mumble that there was no definitive proof that Betsy Ross existed and that the story probably isn't even true.  While he is correct that there is no definitive proof of her sewing the flag that doesn't prove it's untrue. Betsy is such an icon of American history and popular lore that how can you not believe it.