The Benefits of Raising a Well Traveled Kid
As a parent you often wonder what impressions you've made on your kids and what if anything they've taken away from experiences you've shared. Recently I had a chance to find out as my daughter Lilia headed off on a trip to Israel and Europe with her college sorority sister. Though I am still apprehensive because she is literally … MORE

Reservations: They’re Not Just For Dinner Anymore!
Imagine and your family are totally psyched about seeing this awesome historical place that offers tours at 12pm 1pm and 3pm. You've got lots planned for your trip and figure you'll make the 1pm tour and then head off to your other stops. Sadly, when you get there you find out the 1pm tour is sold out...ugh. It's happened to me in … MORE

Fairs, Festivals and Fun—Plan Ahead To Include Regional Events
There's a lot that goes into choosing travel dates-everyone's schedules, costs, weather and more. Another thing to consider as you choose your dates and even route is the calendar of regional events that are happening in the place you are planning to visit. One of the best ways to soak up local color and experience the area you are visiting is to … MORE

A View from the Road: The Danger of Divisive Politics
November is a month that I strongly associate with Thanksgiving and everything it means to be an American. It's really one of my favorite times of the year. It's also election season. Normally I'm excited to exercise my right to vote and participate in one of the hallmarks of democracy. Sadly this has been one of the most divisive and by far the … MORE

Reader Profile: The Kain Family—Ain’t no Challenge Great Enough!
"Ain't no mountain high enough, ain't no valley low enough ain't no river wide enough, to keep me from getting to you babe"-that line from that famous song by Marvin Gaye and Tammi Terrell is the first thing that comes to my mind when I think of this amazing family and all they've accomplished to get to their goal of hiking a trail in all 50 states … MORE

So We’ve Been To All 50—What’s Next???
Now that my kids and I have officially set foot in and explored all 50 states I am constantly asked "So...what are you gonna do next-start visiting every country? While that sounds like a truly amazing, I don't think that's going to be happening for me and my kids. For starters, we will no longer be blocking out 12-13 days of summer for … MORE

What’s to do in Delaware? Why You Shouldn’t Miss This Gem of a State!
Just in case you were wondering, even though Delaware is one of the original 13 colonies, it is not considered part of New England. Really??? Yep it's true! But that shouldn't discourage you from exploring in the fall when the leaves begin to change or during the early summer months when it is warm and pleasant because Delaware can be spectacularly … MORE

We Explored All 50! A Thirteen-Year Quest Comes To An End!!!'s hard to believe that our family goal and quest to see and experience all 50 states has finally been accomplished. As we crossed the border from Virginia into West Virginia I was overwhelmed with emotion and I could feel my chin quivering as I tried to hold back tears. I could not believe it was all coming to an end. We were crossing the … MORE