Texas State Aquarium (Corpus Christie)


Before hitting the road out of Corpus Christie we decided to check out the Texas State Aquarium.  While it's kind of on the small side compared to some other aquariums we've seen we all had a great time experiencing the touch tanks learning about some of the local marine life.  One particularly interesting exhibit that we hadn't seen before was a stingray touch tank. The kids all stuck their hands in-me I wasn't so brave.  I was too busy making sure everyone disinfected with hand sanitizer when they were done.  The otters were adorable and everyone enjoyed getting a peek at some sea turtles, who are known to nest near Padre Island a couple of hours drive south at the souther tip of Texas. We headed to the gift shop, and when I turned around I found Joel covered in plastic snakes.  It was too funny.  After some snacks we hit the road onto our next stop.  If you find yourself in Corpus Christie, The Texas State Aquarium is a great place to spend an air conditioned afternoon.