

The first thing that struck me about Iowa was that it was just how I'd pictured it.  Farm after farm, and miles of crops as far as the eye could see.  What did surprise me was realizing that America's farms are changing from family owned and operated to large factory farms.  While time marches on and progress moves forward, a way of life is slowly disappearing along with it's culture and it's values. It's a … [Read more...]

Iowa State Capitol Building (Des Moines)

Illinois, Missouri, Iowa, Minnesota, and Wisconsin

Arriving in Des Moines after driving through miles and miles of corn, we made our way to the Iowa State Capitol Building which stands out in the city like a gleaming gold domed beacon.  We were greeted by the beautiful bronze sculpture of two frontiersmen and a Native American tribesman.  I imagined them looking out onto the rolling plains wondering if they had any clue that these parts would later become one of … [Read more...]

Living History Farms (Urbandale)

Illinois, Missouri, Iowa, Minnesota, and Wisconsin

Visiting the Living History Farms is like getting in a time machine and arriving at a farm during three different time periods. You will see the same area as a 1700 Ioway Indian settlement, an 1850 Pioneer farm, and a 1900 horse-power farm and it's an incredible lesson to see how some things change and some things remain the same throughout each farm. It’s a self-guided tour, so you can wander at will, but there … [Read more...]

Itinerary #8: Illinois, Missouri, Iowa, Minnesota, and Wisconsin


During the planning phase of this trip, the theme sort of came to me just by looking at the activities and historic sites. Many things had to do with waves of different groups who came to settle in these states to begin a new life far from the foreign lands they’d come from. It’s what makes cities across this area so interesting and unique—places like Chicago, a wonderfully diverse city where you can explore … [Read more...]