The Clinton Presidential Library (Little Rock)

Tennessee, Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, and Alabama

The Clinton Presidential Library has the most extensive collection of material and artifacts that we have seen in any presidential library that we have been to so far. Bill Clinton raised a fortune for this library, and it shows in the beautiful presentations and the recreations of the cabinet rooms and the oval office. Being able to walk through and sit at the Presidential desk or the table gave all of us a real feel for what it must be like in the white house.  The kids all sat around the cabinet table and conducted a meeting which was quite funny.  I love listening to their theories for solving the problems of the world.  Sometimes the simplest solutions are best, and kids possess a certain clarity that we somehow lose as adults.  They zero in on what's important without the rest of the nonsense that goes along with it.  If only solving the world's problems could be that easy.

The Clinton Presidential Library (Little Rock)

President Clinton is my  third favorite president after Teddy Roosevelt and Harry S. Truman.  He was a good and very intelligent man who had the best interests of the country at heart.  Sadly his reputation was tarnished by his personal foibles, but I really believe the country  was made better through his leadership.  We saw lots of historical displays many with streaming video footage of some of President Clintons most historic moments and I had to explain a lot to my kids so they could understand what they were seeing but overall it was very informative and educational and therefore I rate it a DO NOT MISS.

The Clinton Presidential Library (Little Rock)

Tennessee, Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, and Alabama