Why is it that blogs make everything seem so easy and perfect? I read a few like the Pioneer Woman who cooks amazing family meals. She's so relaxed and pulls everything together so effortlessly. What about when she's missing that one ingredient and gets stuck and has to run to the market, where are her kids racing in and out of the kitchen driving her nuts.? Being a blogger myself I know I want to showcase the best … [Read more...]
A Veteran Road Mom’s Guide To Traveling With Teens
April 22, 2014 by
Let's face it, kids are awesome but they can also be quite a handful. Every age has it's challenges. While parents of younger kids may breathe a sigh of relief as the physical challenges fall away (no more booster seats, dressing or bathing kids) and kids become more independent, they should be forewarned that the real challenges are yet to come ... and it's all mental, which can at times quite stressful and … [Read more...]