Boys Town is the home for wayward youth made famous by the Spencer Tracy movie of the same name. A home for wayward youth is not a place I normally bring my kids when we are sightseeing, but the story connected with this place is so inspiring and the visitor center is so emotionally powerful I just thought it was really important for us as a family to check it out. You’ve surely heard the expression, “he’s … [Read more...]
The Henry Doorly Zoo (Omaha)
June 12, 2013 by
The Henry Doorly Zoo is really nice zoo with various indoor and outdoor environments to explore which really worked out for us as a torrential rainstorm unleashed just as we headed in. The zoo is divided unto different climates such as rainforest, desert, temperate etc. As you wander through each one you can take in the various creatures and critters who make it their home. As an interesting side note, the rain … [Read more...]