Road Trip Themes

Road Trip Themes

Planning a trip around an idea When planning a trip I like to focus on an idea or message based on the places we are going and the sights we’ll see. Themes are a great way to connect an entire itinerary to what your kids are learning in school, or to general ideas in everyday life. It’s important to make sure that your theme is age appropriate so everyone gets the most out of each trip. Our very first road … [Read more...]

RV Adventures- Give Your Romantic Vision A Reality Check First!


“Ahhh the romance of the open road…traveling with my family...all of us together in our little camper…” It all sounds good on paper, but there are many things to consider before you embark on your road trip if you’re considering taking an RV. For those of you seasoned RV travelers, my hat’s off to you. Once was enough to decide that it just wasn’t for me. On our very first road trip to Washington and … [Read more...]

Hotel Hunt: Get the Right Room at the Right Price


If you’re like me and RVs are not an option, then hotels are where you’ll be staying over the course of your trip.  Choosing a hotel can be a scary process if you have no knowledge of the area and are working with a limited budget, but using my helpful tips can take out some of the guesswork in finding acceptable hotels. 1. Chain hotels are usually a safe bet (and you could get breakfast for … [Read more...]

The Trip Bible: Your Handy Travel Tool

Picture this: You’re in rural New Mexico and, after a long, tedious drive you are about to check in to your motel for the night. But something’s wrong—the reservation you made weeks in advance isn’t showing up in the system.  Even worse, you have no phone service and your laptop/iPad is dead. Now you’ve got tired kids and a short temper, and no way to prove that you pre-paid for a room. There’s one … [Read more...]