Medora Riding Stables (Medora)

Medora Riding Stables

We arrived in Medora in the early afternoon and had a little time to explore the town before the Medora Musical that night so we decided to do a 1 hour trail ride at the Medora Riding Stables.  Everyone got saddled up on our trusty steeds, even Avrille, and we set out on the trail on a gentle and leisurely ride.  Heading out, our guide gave us a brief history of the area and it's connection to President Teddy … [Read more...]

Medora Musical (Medora)

Medora Musical

I once met Senator Kent Conrad from North Dakota.  When I told him we would be visiting his state and asked him what were the top three things we should see, he listed them in this order, 1. Medora, 2. Medora, and 3. Medora.   Well, I guess you could say Medora was not to be missed and after visiting there myself I can totally understand the Senator's response.    The town of Medora is charming and beautiful but … [Read more...]