Why You Need To Start Thinking About Next Summer’s Road Trip Now!

Spontaneity is great for a quick trip or weekend getaway, but a big summer road trip requires lots of planning.  The season is just about over and I am already thinking about where we’re going next summer.  Sure, I am a travel junkie and always start planning my next trip the minute I get home, but there are also some really great reasons to start thinking ahead. Here’s what you can do now to take advantage of … [Read more...]

3 Great Tips To Make The Most Of Your Outdoor Family Adventure

Great Tips

As Seen On Monster Fish & Game. Traveling in the great outdoors here in the USA is not only an amazing way to spend time with your family but it’s also a great opportunity to discover and learn so much about the world around us. As a single mom who’s taken on the goal of seeing all 50 states with my kids (after 10 years and 14 trips we are at 42), I can tell you that adventure and learning can take place in … [Read more...]



Alaska is truly one of the most breathtakingly beautiful places in all of the USA maybe even the world. Commonly referred to as "The Last Frontier", it is one of if not the only last wild places left in the country. Touring this amazing and awe inspiring place we were humbled by nature everywhere we turned, from the beautiful snow capped mountains of the Kenai Pennisula, to the vast and powerful Mendenhall Glacier, … [Read more...]

The Anchorage Museum at Rasmuson Center (Anchorage)

As museums go the Anchorage Museum  is a one stop shop for a little bit of everything. There are some interesting exhibits on art and on photography and the history of Alaska but there were two exhibits that really caught our attention, the first was the permanent exhibit on the native Alaskan villages that is coordinated in conjunction with the Smithsonian and the other, a temporary exhibit about Gyre, the immense … [Read more...]

Don’t Let Wacky Weather Ruin Your Road Trip


So I am driving through North Dakota with my dear friend Avrille and my 3 kids in the backseat. Clouds are getting darker and it starts raining really hard, I mean like bullets hitting the car hard. All of a sudden the emergency broadcast system comes on. You know what I am talking about-the annoying loud beep that occasionally interrupts your music while they are conducting a test-except this time it’s REAl. We … [Read more...]

Still Itching To Travel Before Summer Ends? Try a Mini Road Trip Close To Home

Road Trip

All too quickly the summer will be gone, kids head back to school and the air will get cooler and the leaves with start to turn their colors. If you are itching to explore before it’s all over, seize the moment for a 2-3 day getaway a couple hours drive from home. Do the research Grab the atlas or research online, and find out where you can explore 2-3 hours away from home. Often times we are surprised by the … [Read more...]



Just thinking about Hawaii—one of my favorite places on the planet—brings back memories of gentle waves crashing on the shore, the perfume of fresh flowers in the air, and soft music. I love Hawaii for its peacefulness and tranquility, but it's tragic history always leaves me with a twinge of sadness.   In my humble opinion, Hawaii should never have been a state. This beautiful land belongs to the Hawaiian … [Read more...]

The Big Island of Hawaii

The Big Island of Hawaii

Every one of the Hawaiian islands is so unique and different but where the other islands are mostly lush and green with sandy beaches, the big island is rocky, volcanic hosting a landscape that is harsher and much more varied than we'd seen. The beaches for the most part were rocky and not conducive to water sports so we took this opportunity to explore the rugged terrain, learning about the geology of how the … [Read more...]

King Kamehameha Statue #1 (Hawi)


Very close to the Eco Adventures Zip line, is the tiny town of Hawi. Do not miss one of the four original statues of King Kamehameha, the most famous and revered Hawaiian King who united the Hawaiian islands under his leadership. The statue stands not too far from where he was born, here on the Big Island of Hawaii. There are four of these statues, three of which are in Hawaii and one is in our nation’s Capitol … [Read more...]

King Kamehameha statue #2 (Hilo)


King Kamehameha is the great  Hawaiian king who was born and raised on the big island of Hawaii and under whose great leadership the Hawaiian islands were united.  He is the most revered historical figure in Hawaiian culture and memorialized by four life size statues three of which are still in the Islands. The fourth one is in the US Capitol building. The second statue is the second on the big Island and is based … [Read more...]