Connecticut State Capitol Building (Hartford)

Connecticut State Capitol Building

While most state capitol building mimic our nations's capitol with the traditional dome, occasionally some dare to be different.  The Connecticut State Capitol Building is one of those that breaks tradition with it's unique and original architecture.  It's kind of hard to describe, but I'd say it seemed like a cathedral crossed with a bavarian castle.  Inside there are tons of bronze sculptures, some pretty … [Read more...]

Biltmore Estate (Asheville)

Biltmore Estate (Asheville)

Everyone I know who has ever traveled to Asheville has always marveled at how lovely the area is. It is pretty, but maybe the kids and I missed something. We just didn’t get it. Walking around, it seemed like a sort of hippie town with strange little boutiques and artsy weirdness on every corner. We arrived to find some super hipster jam session going on in one of the town squares. Driving the next morning … [Read more...]

Mark Twain House and Museum (Hartford)

Mark Twain House and Museum

We were so excited to learn more about this American literary icon by seeing the home where he lived.  We arrived and joined the tour led by a snappy little English fellow and headed to the home.  Here we are, at Mark Twain's House and Museum, you'd expect to learn about the man, his life, his inspiration his works right? Wrong! We learned about the wallpaper in the living room, where they bought the chandelier, … [Read more...]

State Capitol Building (Olympia)

Washington and Oregon

The Washington State Capitol Building looks so much like the Capitol in D.C. from the that I almost had to do a double take.  Inside check out the dome in the rotunda which sits about the state seal in the floor which has a portrait of George Washington which I thought was odd, that his likeness would be on the floor.  The seal is roped off as apparently too many folks were stepping on Georges nose...Really? This … [Read more...]

The Duke Homestead State Historic Site (Durham)

Georgia, North Carolina and South Carolina

So you’ve probably heard of Duke University, and maybe even Duke Energy and the legendary heiress Doris Duke. But did you know that the Duke fortune was amassed through the production of tobacco? The Duke Homestead State Historic Site is where you can tour the early home and factory where Washington Duke first grew and processed tobacco. Duke’s sons later founded the American Tobacco Company, the largest tobacco … [Read more...]

Yale University (New Haven)


What a thrill it was to stand on the Yale campus  or as my daughter Lilia likes to refer to it as “the 3rd university on the college tour of schools guaranteed to reject me”. As we arrived  I wasn’t sure if I was at Yale or the set of the latest Harry Potter movie, the architecture is just magical. As we passed one of the dorm buildings or a “college” as it’s called, we could imagine passageways, known … [Read more...]

Experience Music Project (Seattle)

Destination: Washington and Oregon

The Experience Music Project is definitely one of our most memorable museum experiences of all time. Created by Paul Allen of Microsoft fame, it’s sort of like a museum about music, but not quite…it really is an "experience" and one  that  everyone should partake in. Walking in, we were immediately awestruck by the “tornado” of guitars that stretched 3 full floors. Inside you can explore music history with … [Read more...]

Krispy Kreme (High Point)

Georgia, North Carolina and South Carolina

Oh Krispy Kreme, how do we love you, let us count the ways.... As we were driving through High Point on our way to the Word's Largest Chest of Drawers, we passed one of the original Krispy Kreme locations....Of course we could not pass us a taste of those heavenly lighter than air doughnuts so we made a beeline straight to the drive through window.  Krispy Kreme doughnuts were founded right here in North Carolina … [Read more...]

World’s Largest Chest of Drawers (High Point)

Georgia, North Carolina and South Carolina

If you didn't already know, High Point, North Carolina is the center of the furniture industry in the United States. Many manufacturers are based here. If you’ve got a few minutes, drive by the building that bills itself as the World's Largest Chest of Drawers - which is an office building ... that's apparently for lease. Love the socks! … [Read more...]

Pez Visitor Center (Orange)

Pez Visitor Center

I don't know about you, but my kids and I LOVE Pez.  Checking out the Pez Visitor Center was definitely the highlight of the day, and one of the most memorable things on the trip.  Driving up from New Haven, our GPS took us through this weird little residential area, and when we turned a corner we came upon this big commercial building with huge bright Pez wrappers hanging on the top.  The kids were squealing … [Read more...]