Fun Photo Contest By The National Parks Foundation Could Win You Awesome Prizes!

Here's a super cool opportunity I'd love to share with you dear readers!!! If you love to travel across the US like me and enjoy visiting National Parks and National Historic Sites more than likely you've got some amazing photos. In fact, one of your photos might even be good enough to be selected to be the image for the annual Federal Recreational Lands Pass. The National Park Foundation has partnered with a few … [Read more...]

The Best Recipe For a Successful Road Trip: Mix It Up!

Everybody has a different idea about what makes a road trip really special. Whether it's the scenery, the family bonding, or the mere fact that you are just getting away -you are bound to enjoy yourself (with the exception of course of a completely unexpected disaster). But what makes the standard road trip go from great to super memorable? Sometimes we resist getting out of our comfort zone, but often times when we … [Read more...]

Road Trip Temptation: Exploring By Taste Without Getting Off Track

As you are reading this we are out on the road on our latest road trip exploring Maryland, Delaware, Virginia and West Virginia. One of our family's favorite ways to explore is through taste and as I was researching our trip I came across a ton of stuff I know we'll just have to try. At home we try to eat healthfully buying organic when we can, eating lean meats and lots of veggies and trying to limit sweets and … [Read more...]

Unveiled: Explore All 50’s Final T-Shirt Design!

Explore All 50 Shirt

Finally, our T-shirts have arrived! Thank you everyone for your input in helping to design our awesome shirt that is sure to be a hit and inspire lots of conversations about your road trip adventures. T-shirts will be available in men's, women's and kids sizes S, M, L, and XL. If there is a special size you need like XS or 2XL or 3XL let me know as I should be able to special order them. The shirts will sell for … [Read more...]

Mapping Your Road Trip


What you need to know to figure out how far you can go. Once you’ve decided on a particular region and you’ve figured out how many days you can spend, the next part is planning your route and mapping your trip. I have found that, by and large, the best approach is to create a loop in which you start and stop in a large city where you can fly in and out of, and rent and return your vehicle (if necessary). A … [Read more...]

A View From The Road: Election 2016—A Time to Reconnect With the Vision of Our Founding Fathers

I have always considered myself a proud and patriotic American committed to the ideals on which this country was founded.  My heart has always swelled at the thought of the land of the free and the home of the brave where generations descended from the Pilgrims to new immigrants and everyone in between could work toward a brighter future and a better life for their children. I am very sad to admit as this election … [Read more...]

It Isn’t Always Sunshine, Lollipops and Rainbows

Why is it that blogs make everything seem so easy and perfect? I read a few like the Pioneer Woman who cooks amazing family meals. She's so relaxed and pulls everything together so effortlessly. What about when she's missing that one ingredient and gets stuck and has to run to the market, where are her kids racing in and out of the kitchen driving her nuts.? Being a blogger myself I know I want to showcase the best … [Read more...]

Need Your Thoughts On Our New T-Shirt Design

I know there are so many of you like me who are on a quest to visit all 50 states.  I thought it would be totally cool to have a T-shirt showcasing that fact and letting folks know how far along you are. I've come up with a design and hope to get your feedback on it. The back lists all the states with a checkbox next to each one (though the boxes aren't on the graphic just yet). I will be selling the shirt on … [Read more...]

Explore All 50 scores premiere guest blogger spot for The Container Store!

Wowza....I am so thrilled to share with you that The Container Store has asked me to be their first travel blogger for their online blog called Container Stories. In the post I share my story and some of my top tips for staying organized and traveling light and safe-especially with 3 kids. Make sure you check it out by clicking on the link … [Read more...]

The Latest Tips To Save You Some $$$ On Airfare

I love to read the newspaper and come Sunday I go straight to the travel section.  I find it's a fantastic resource for all kinds of travel related information from destinations to apps and how to secure the best bargain. Recently I came across some awesome things that I thought were particularly useful that I would love to share with you. I am always looking to save on airfare.  Did you know that the best time … [Read more...]